Seat Cover Installation
& Related Services for Classic Cars
We are conveniently located on Route 34 just minutes from
the Carlisle Fairgrounds.
If you have NOS or Legendary seat covers for your classic
car, we can install them for you!
We also repair foam and can install new foam, bunting,
burlap, muslin & even new listing wires when needed.
Seat frame media blasting & painting is also available.
Broken springs can be replaced as well, I have some 'donor'
frames just for this purpose so I may have what you need.
I also try to keep popular used seat frames in stock.
Price varies on what you want & how much work is needed,
so please click
here to send me an email with the type of seats you
have & let me know exactly what you need done to them
for a free quote.

As some of you know, I took a little time off from the
upholstery shop over the summer to work on my personal mini-museum.
So far there are are over 1500 fender tags on the walls
from various Mopars that are all long gone now as well as
many other cool items.
Clients & visitors are welcome to take the tour with
a prior appointment, just send an email if you are going
to be in the area to set up a time. All clients & visitors
will be asked to autograph the inside of the new shop door!
