Previous "Found Items
of the Month - 2015" |
January 2015 |
Hello everyone,
Our first item of the month for 2015 is a broadcast sheet
for a 1970 Challenger R/T, the VIN on it is JS23V0B184649
- If you own this car the sheet is available to claim with
proof the car still exists & proof of legal ownership.
This sheet was found by Mike from Maryland in his 1970 Challenger.
He found three broadcast sheets in his car, two of them
were for other cars, this sheet is one of them. I also had
some history on his car that I sent to him.
Thanks for sending it in Mike!
Barry Washington
February 2015 |
Hello all,
Our second item of the month for 2015 is a broadcast sheet
that just arrived here about an hour ago. It is for a 1970
Challenger R/T, the VIN on it is JS23N0B421426 - If you
own this car the sheet is available to claim with proof
the car still exists & proof of legal ownership.
This sheet was sent in by Thomas in Illinois, it was found
inside the bucket seat of another car.
Thanks for sending it in Thomas!
Barry Washington
March 2015 |
Hello again everyone,
March 1, 2015 marks our 10th Anniversary here at HH! Thanks
to everyone that has helped out along the way, including
those that provided items from your collections & to all
the volunteer scanners! The HH Library has grown into a
wonderful tool for all of us.
I have started a new service as well, I can now install
your Legendary seat covers for you. So if you are in Central
PA & need a quote please feel free to contact me.
Our March item of the month is
a broadcast sheet for a 1970 AAR Cuda, the VIN on it is
BS23J0B292469 - This sheet was sent in last year by Russell
here in PA, it was found inside the bucket seat of his Cuda
340. If you own this car the sheet is available to claim
with proof the car still exists & proof of legal ownership.
Also be aware that the next AAR & T/A Reunion is in
July at the Carlisle show, it will be here before you know
it, hope to see you there!
Barry Washington
April 2015 |
We had two more items claimed
in March!
For April, we have two items of the month. Randall from
Alberta, Canada found two broadcast sheets in his 1970 Charger
that did not match his car, they are both for XP29N0G203849.
This car is unusual because it is coded for a 3-speed manual
transmission, so it is one of approximately 110 cars built
with this transmission & the 383 4barrel. If you own this
car the sheets are available to claim with proof the car
still exists & proof of legal ownership.
Thanks for sending these in Randall!
Barry Washington
May 2015 |
We had two more items claimed
in April! The very next item claimed will be the 400th item
to be sent to the owner of the car, I have to wonder what
& who it will be!
For May, we once again have two items of the month, both
for the same car. One of the guys I met at the Spring Carlisle
swap meet had these from a car he used to own, he used to
drag race it. He sold the car close to 20 years ago & found
the tags from it later. I did have to pay for them, so hopefully
the car still exists & the owner is willing to reimburse
me, but if not it will not be the first time. These fender
tags are for a 1970 440-6 Cuda, the VIN is BS23V0B201147
- Proof the car still exists & proof of legal ownership
will be required to claim these.
Some dealership maintenance records from a dealership in
New Jersey have been donated to the cause as well, I will
get them sorted & posted to the found section just as soon
as time allows it.
Barry Washington
June 2015 |
No items were claimed in May.
For June, we have a broadcast sheet for a Challenger T/A,
the VIN on it is JH23J0B304230. This sheet was found in
another T/A several years ago, it does have some moisture
& mouse damage but all the codes are legible. As always,
proof the car still exists & proof of legal ownership
will be required to claim it.
The AAR & T/A reunion is coming up fast! If any of you
have 'found' items that you would like to hand over in person,
please look for me at the AAR & T/A tent on the show
See you soon!
July 2015 |
Our 400th record was claimed in June!
For July, we have a broadcast
sheet for a 1970 Cuda with a 440, the VIN is BS23U0B236546
This sheet was found in a 440-6
Cuda with a slightly higher VIN just last month, note that
there was a printer stutter that caused the VIN to be printed
a little too far to the right.
Thanks for sending it in Matthew!
As always, proof the car still
exists & proof of legal ownership will be required to
claim it.
The AAR & T/A Reunion is
just days away now! If any of you have 'found' items that
you would like to hand over in person, please look for me
at the AAR & T/A tent near the Y Building on the show
See you soon!
August 2015 |
No items were claimed in July, but 14 more broadcast sheets
either came in the mail or were handed over in person at
the Carlisle show. All 14 items have been added to the 'found'
section here. Thanks to everyone that got them to me!
For August, we have a broadcast
sheet for a 1970 Barracuda convertible with a 318, the VIN
on it is BH27G0B125574. The matching car was for sale on
Ebay back in 2003, so the chance that it still exists should
be pretty good. It did have a Wisconsin State assigned VIN
at the time, so the legal VIN on the car now is 00BH27G0B125574WI

This sheet is also the first
one I have seen with this exact note on the bottom "VOOIID
ANDDD DEESTTRROOY WILLL RS" - bad printer stutter for
sure! It should have read 'VOID AND DESTROY WILL RS' so
I am sure that the RS stands for 'reschedule'.
image above to enlarge)
I have heard in the past that
the manual convertible tops were not available on the E-bodies
early in the model year & this sheet does not have the
P37 code for the power top, so that may be why it was rescheduled?
The car had a power top when advertised in 2003, so it will
be cool to see if the original order was edited if it was
holding the cars build up too long.
As always, proof the car still
exists & proof of legal ownership will be required to
claim this broadcast sheet.
September 2015 |
No items were claimed last month.
For September, we have a broadcast
sheet for a 1970 Challenger T/A, the VIN on it is JH23J0B297786
- this sheet was sent in years ago, thanks Russ!

As always, proof the car still
exists & proof of legal ownership will be required to
claim this broadcast sheet.
Please visit our Services
section in the menu at left! By using our services, you
help support our efforts here.
Barry Washington
October 2015 |
No items were claimed last month.
For October, we have a broadcast
sheet for a 1970 FM3 - Moulin Rouge Barracuda with a 318,
the VIN on it is BH23G0B279157 - this sheet was sent in
way back in 2007, thanks Terry!

As always, proof the car still
exists & proof of legal ownership will be required to claim
this broadcast sheet.
I was also given quite a few
more original records last month, I will be sorting them
over the next month or two so they can be added to the found
section over the winter, thanks Al! Time to buy yet another
filing cabinet!
Please visit our Services
section in the menu at left! By using our services, you
help support our efforts here.
Barry Washington
November 2015 |
A broadcast sheet for an AAR Cuda was claimed last month!
For November, we have a broadcast
sheet for a 1970 FM3 - Panther Pink Challenger T/A, the
VIN on it is JH23J0B282449. This sheet was found in another
Panther Pink T/A way back in 1978! It was sent it in after
the AAR & T/A Reunion at Carlisle in July, thanks Bob!

As of this writing, 87 Panther
Pink T/As are known to have been made so far.
As always, proof the car still
exists & proof of legal ownership will be required to claim
this broadcast sheet.
Please visit our Services
section in the menu at left! By using our services, you
help support our efforts here.
Barry Washington
December 2015 |
No items were claimed last month. 58 more items were just
loaded up to the Found
section for 1970-73 cars though, the majority of them are
1973 A-bodies from the Hamtramck & Windsor plants. So
if you have not checked there for your VIN in a while, now
would be a good time!
The December IOTM is our DONATE
That's right, we need your
help! I still have several items to organize & post
to the Found section
from the stash donated by Al Macdonald, but they need homes.
I brought 26 filing cabinets full of records for other people's
cars with me from Alaska when I moved to PA & they are
all stuffed to capacity. Ideally, I need two more 4 or 5
drawer cabinets to have enough space for the new records
as I sort them & relieve some pressure on the drawers
already stuffed to capacity. I need money for additional
file folders as well, every original record needs its own
home so I can find it easily when claimed.
Running a free service actually
costs money! We have always relied on donations to help
out over the years & I have always covered additional
needs that the donations did not cover out of my own pocket,
but not once have donations ever broken even or shown a
For 2015 through the end of
November, we have averaged 4,459.5 individuals checking
this site a month. If everyone donated a dime it would really
help us!
Please consider making a donation
if you can?
Please visit our Services
section in the menu at left as well! By using our services,
you help support our efforts here.
To all who have helped out in
the past, your support is greatly appreciated, thank you!
Barry Washington